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Fourth (4th) Month As An Infant
/*! elementor – v3.6.5 – 27-04-2022 */
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At 4-month old, I’ve grown faster.
My parents give me the love I need.
They take care of me, as expected.
I’ve multivitamins (Nutrilin/Ferlin) in the morning and also in the evening (Cherifer).
As mentioned before, I’ve most -if not all- baby’s needs (such as, but not limited to: clothes, diapers, anti-insect bite creams, anti-rashes, etc.
In the morning, I do not wake up my parents with “baby cries” when they are still sleeping (just like when I was still in my mother’s womb).
When I wake up earlier than them, I simply entertain myself.
When either my father or mother wakes up later, s/he sees me playing with myself.
Both of them (my parents) are proud of me for being a well-self-disciplined baby.
In the evening, when my mother is still at work, I sometimes wait for her to arrive before I go to sleep.
In the morning, I typically wake up at around 6am.
My parents, especially my father, always have set the daily routine for me.
First off in the waking time, my parents greet me: “Thanks be to God” and “I love you.” They kiss and hug me. I then have my baby lessons about my “language month,” science (computer, physics, chemistry, biology), and maths.
My psycho-motor, cognitive and affective growth/development
Physical Growth
Cognitive Growth
Social Growth
Normal head circumference
Normal height
Normal weight
Can control head and other bodily parts (with assistance when trying to stand)
High attention span
Keen observer of surroundings
Curious about “everything”
Can tell when happy or sad, hungry or sleepy
Improved hand-and-eye coordination
Looks to people when called by his first name
Enjoys listening/watching various Internet shows
Likes “bulaga” or peek-a-boo
Mimics facial expressions of other people
Talks when feels like to