From My Birth to First (1st) Month of Life

Discover the journey from birth to the first month of life of Eryn David Ahmed Agustin in this detailed account. Learn about the hospital experience and the care taken by the family for the newborn's well-being.
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From My Birth to First (1st) Month of Life


TMC _ Agustin Family
TMC _ Agustin Family

My first (1st) birth month

Day 1 – December 3, 2021: Family hospital pre-admission to admission…

  • My mother was admitted to “The Medical City (TMC).” Prior to pre-admission, our Ob-Gyn gave my mother papers to hand over to the pre-admission hospital staff.

Days 2-4 – December 4-7, 2021: Waiting time to/for “Success!”

  • My father waited at our “Room-in” because of the Pandemic where – he – the sole companion was not allowed entry in the Emergency/Surgery Room.
  • I, Eryn David Ahmed Agustin, was born at exactly 12:53pm, 4th of December, 2021* and immediately received my anti-Hepatitis B and anti-Tuberculosis (vaccines), as well as colostrum or first baby breast milk from my mother. The meaning of my name are, as follows: Eryn = Person/Humanity/ Exalted/Benevolent/ Inter alia; David = Beloved; and, Ahmed = God’s constant thanker. Laconically, “Eryn David Ahmed” means “Eryn/He, the Beloved, who always thanks God.” “Agustin” means “Great.”
  • Given the previous and latest ultrasounds, my mother underwent Cesarean delivery because of my breech position throughout the pregnancy period. Hours after the successful delivery of me, our ob-gyn informed us that my umbilical cord was coiled twice around my neck the reason I might have not changed from a breech to normal/head first position even prior to delivery. The CS lasted for two (2) hours considering also that my mother was a “bleeder,” according to the same ob-gyn whose specialty is also surgery. 
  • Because of my mother’s CS delivery, she regularly used a few different CS belts that she purchased online to lend support to the stitches.
  • My mother took medications given by the attending nurse. Likewise, doctors, interns, nurses, and caregivers visited us in our room from time-to-time to check my condition.
  • My parents stayed at our Room 505 for 4 days (that is, from December 3 to 7, 2021, Friday to Tuesday, 9pm to 2:30pm).
  • Newborn screening and blood typing were conducted, as well as, my Birth Certificate was filed initially at TMC.
  • My father paid separately the individual hospital bills of my mother and me.

*According to Boland et al.’s (2015) research finding, babies born in December were least likely to develop respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in their lifetime and they tend to live longer than those who were born in other months (Gavrilov & Gavrilova, 2011). 

Days 5-12 – December 8-14, 2021: Our home, my vitals and my father’s research…

Days 13 – December 15, 2021: To the hospital my family goes again 🙂

  • My parents consulted our pediatrician who observed my navel, ears, eyes, nose, and other parts of the body, which he noted to be normal. Moreover, height, weight, brain size, chest diameter, temperature and other vitals of me were also normal. 
  • While I was being observed by my pediatrician, I was silent while being observant at the same time. However, when the consultation was about to be completed, I started to cry because I may be hungry, have a dirty diaper, or whatever it may have caused my crying. 
  • I have no jaundice despite the fact that my mother has a type O blood, whereas my father was AB+; wherein, mine was A. 
  • As a whole during our hospital visit, I was observant of my surroundings – just like when may parents and I move from place-to-place (such as, Level 2 Floor to Ground Floor to 5th Floor of TMC) inside TMC.
  • After meeting our/my pediatrician, my family went to our official TMC Ob-Gyn for my mother’s CS wound checkup and cleaning.

Days 14-16 – December 16-18, 2021: Precaution, prevention, and non-panacea 

  • As far as my medical records show, I have “zero to no” illness so far.
  • I take my breast milk regularly from my mother and my breastmilk pattern was charted from the start.
  • When I need breast milk, I cry; the same when I need diaper change and rash treatment, if any, which will then be treated using baby cream. 
  • I have ointments against rashes, insect bite, dry skin, etc.

Days 17 – December 19, 2021: Behavioral patterns, change, growth and development, and being a child to my parents…

  • I showed the same behaviors as before, such as when hungry, sleepy, needs attention, etc.
  • My mother observed that I grew even more as days passed. At birth, I only weighed 2.8 kgs. In less than a month, I already weigh more than 3 kgs.
  • I like being brought outside our family bedroom, such as the balcony, or outside our condo unit for newness of ambience.
  • From time-to-time, my father prepared things for my mother and me. Included, but not an exhaustive list: purchased and picked up groceries and wet/dry market goods, prepared meals, auto-dried the laundry using our family’s inverter washing machine, ironed the clothes, checked room temperature, cleaned our unit, restocked food supplies, and so on.

Days 18-19 – December 20-21, 2021: Patience, love and care from my father and mother…

  • I am already 16- to 17 days old. In the event I needed additional care and love, my parents provided it by being patient with my baby cries for milk, diaper change, sleep needs, and more.
  • My feeding and sleep cycles did not change a bit yet. For ½- to 1 hour that I was breastfed until I fell asleep and then slept for every 2- to 3 hours again and again.
  • At a young age, I smile and make other facial expressions based on my age.
  • I like being carried in my daddy’s arms and enjoy being carried around. I like my new surroundings, as my parents initially observed.
  • Days prior to this day, my pees were normal as well as my poops (that is, unlike my initial poops where they were a bit thick, sticky dark green poop known as meconium).

Days 20-21 – December 22-24, 2021: My additional baby items…

Days 22-30 – December 26-31, 2021 up to January 3, 2022: Eryn.Life and homehold chores…

  • My father continued to enhance
  • Household chores continuously being managed by my father, especially condo unit cleanliness using the electric vacuum cleaner and electric steam mop.
  • My mother continued to use the breast milk pump device so that I can have my milk very early in the morning.

In the past several days, my father had a learning curve building a website for me. He then overhauled the entire website and in a few hours within the day he created a fully functional, online website named

Click here to visit my next journal entry: “My Second (2nd) Month As A Newborn Baby.”

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    • Canguro Cómico, ¡esa es una manera divertida de describir a tu bebé! Definitivamente tienen un look único que está lleno de carácter. ¡Abraza el encanto extraterrestre!

    • White Raven, ¡gracias por tu honesto feedback! Apreciamos escuchar diferentes perspectivas, incluso las críticas. Tendremos en cuenta tus comentarios a medida que desarrollemos contenido futuro. ¿Tal vez puedas sugerir algunas áreas específicas donde el artículo podría mejorarse o donde se podría agregar más profundidad?

    • White Raven, ¡agradecemos tu feedback franco, incluso si es crítico! Nos esforzamos por ofrecer contenido perspicaz y bien respaldado. ¿Podrías dar ejemplos específicos de lo que encontraste que faltaba en el artículo?

    • Enthusiastic Parrot, ¡nos alegra mucho que hayas encontrado el artículo útil! Es increíble ver a un bebé desarrollarse y aprender tanto en su primer mes. ¿Cuáles fueron algunas de las cosas más interesantes que aprendiste?

    • Skeptical Squirrel, you’re right to question information, especially when it seems sensational! Perhaps the article could have been presented in a more nuanced way. What specific claims did you find exaggerated?

    • Young Sapling, ¡nos alegra mucho que el artículo haya sido útil para ti! Ver crecer a un bebé es un viaje increíble. ¿Qué aspectos del artículo te fueron más útiles para comprender el desarrollo de tu bebé?

  1. Discrepo con la afirmación del autor de que los bebés recién nacidos pueden ver con claridad. Mi hijo no podía enfocar nada durante las primeras semanas.

    • Hormiga Argumentativa, ¡tienes razón, la visión de los recién nacidos todavía se está desarrollando! Es fascinante ver cómo los sentidos de los bebés se enfocan gradualmente. ¿Qué tipo de experiencias tuviste con la visión temprana de tu hijo?

    • Inquisitive Owl, you’ve brought up a very important question about the influences on a baby’s development! It’s a complex interplay of factors, and researchers continue to explore the role of genetics, nutrition, and the environment in shaping a baby’s growth and development. What specific areas of this topic are you most curious about?

    • Ironic Eagle, ¡tienes razón! El sueño es un aspecto crucial del crecimiento y desarrollo de un bebé. Es importante abordar el papel esencial del sueño en la salud y el bienestar de un niño. ¿Cuáles son algunos de tus mejores consejos para ayudar a los bebés a dormir lo suficiente?

    • Gato Curioso, ¡tienes razón en pedir evidencia! Es importante ser crítico con las afirmaciones y buscar investigación de apoyo. Veremos si podemos encontrar algunos estudios que aborden las afirmaciones hechas en el artículo.

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