
Research about any latest technological and scientific breakthroughs that go beyond the present are listed here (More to come...)

The term “metatech” describes a variety of tools and methods used to improve or change the cognitive or physical capabilities of people. Here are a few instances of metatech: 

1) Neural interfaces: Are a class of technologies that enable direct brain-to-computer or other device communication. Examples include deep brain stimulation and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) (DBS). 

2) Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): These technologies, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), use computer-generated simulations or overlays to improve or change how the user perceives the real world. 

3) Smart medicines are chemicals that are used to enhance cognitive abilities like memory, focus, and creativity. 

4) Genetic engineering: This technique uses biotechnology to alter an organism’s genetic makeup, including that of people.

5) Cyborg technology: Using artificial body parts or implants to supplement or take the place of natural body functions is known as cyborg technology. 

6) Artificial intelligence (AI):  Is the term used to describe the creation of computer systems that are capable of learning, making decisions, and solving problems—tasks that often require human intelligence. 

7) Transhumanism: The philosophical movement known as transhumanism promotes the use of technology to improve the lot of people and increase their potential. 

8) Mind uploading: The hypothetical idea of transferring a person’s consciousness into a computer or other equipment is known as “mind uploading.”

9) Neurofeedback: Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that uses brainwave activity to teach people how to control their own mental processes, such relaxation or concentration. 

10) Wearable technology refers to gadgets that can track physical activity, monitor health, or improve sensory perception. These gadgets can be worn on the body. 

11) Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs): These are tools that let the brain command robotic limbs or prosthetic limbs. 

12) Augmented cognition: Using technology to improve cognitive function, for as by giving real-time information or assisting with decision-making, is known as augmented cognition. 

13) Human enhancement: Is the process of enhancing or augmenting human physical or cognitive capacities beyond their natural limits via the use of technology or other methods.

14) Cryonics: This is the technique of preserving the body or brain after death in the anticipation that advancing technology will one day enable reanimation. 

15) Life extension: Is the practice of extending human life through the use of technology or other methods. 

It’s crucial to remember that many of these technologies are still in their infancy, and their advantages and risks are currently being investigated.

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