My 10th month as a jolly baby :)

In my 10th month as a cheerful baby boy, I'm observing my environment and developing socially. I have 7 teeth, walk balancedly, and enjoy cuddles. Learn more about my growth and experiences. #babydevelopment #parentingjourney

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My 10th month as a jolly baby

Hello, I am Eryn David Ahmed Agustin, and I am 10 months old. I am a cheerful and jolly baby boy, and my hair needs a haircut soon. This month, my brain and related developments are noteworthy. I have become keener on observing not only my proximal environment but also the toys and age-appropriate objects handed to me. When my parents are not around, I sleep 2 to 3 times a day. My father interprets this as me being only with the nanny. During weekends, when my parents are around, there are times when I don’t want to sleep or nap but simply enjoy their loving company. I mostly drink baby milk instead of solid foods, such as fruits and vegetables. My father considers this preference given the complete nutrient-enriched contents of the milk. My parents only provide milk and a few solid foods. There are no artificial additives yet, such as sugar, salt, etc.

In terms of physical development, I already have a total of 7 teeth: 4 upper teeth and 3 lower teeth. My weight and height exceed those of my age. I don’t tiptoe but walk balancedly on the ground with my feet wearing my pair of shoes or sandals.

Regarding emotional growth, I like being cuddled, talked to eye-to-eye, and smiled at whenever I need to. It makes me feel loved and secure.

In social dimensions, my parents receive gifts, such as toys, clothes, etc., from people close to them. From time-to-time, we visit some recreational or leisure parks so that I have other ambience to savor. Other than going outdoors to enjoy the weekends, my parents likewise reserve for us a swimming weekday whenever necessary. Swimming has many benefits because both arms and legs, not to mention the whole body, get exercised. I love the water and the feeling of being weightless.

Finally, my father purchased family insurance, aside from the existing insurance that they have. This is to ensure that we are protected and prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

In conclusion, my 10th month has been full of growth and development. I am becoming more aware of my surroundings and my preferences. I am also learning to walk and talk, and I am excited to see what the future holds. I am grateful for the love and care that my parents and nanny provide me, and I look forward to spending more time with them. Thank you for reading about my journey!

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