/*! elementor – v3.7.2 – 21-08-2022 */
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Seventh (7th) month from birth
It isn’t all Greek to me – Eryn – because it is my language month! 🙂
I am bigger (that is, head circumference, height and weight) for my age given that it is just my 7th month today.
As mentioned in my previous journal entries, my parents give me iron supplement (Ferlin), multivitamins (Nutrilin), and growth formula (Cherifer).
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, I often experienced “delayed gratification.” When my parents, relatives and/or guests arrive at my family’s condo unit, s/he has to perform self-hygienic routine (such as, disinfecting one’s belongings like shoes, taking a bath, as well as toothbrushing and gargling).
My daily lesson routine remains the same (such as, my language month, watching videos about STEM, music, etc.
I only show tantrums when necessary. Seldom my parents and babysitter forget that I peed and needed a diaper change.
I am as behaved as a typical 7-month old baby boy.
On a daily basis now, I consume more than a liter of milk.
I always have a new attire to wear each time my month-birthday is held.
My grandparents and nieces visit me from time-to-time. They also go to our condo unit owners’ swimming pool.
My parents have many photoshoots saved in their smartphones’ galleries, but are not all uploaded here in our family’s website.
I know just when I need something…
/*! elementor – v3.7.2 – 21-08-2022 */
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